A tracking number has been added to a physical order. |
The version that was ordered is missing content. |
The order contains 3D content. |
An order has been placed in draft by another user (co-worker or content-owner), we highly recommend to not touch orders you didn't created. |
The order contains Dolby Atmos content. |
The order contains Dolby Vision content. |
The order contains an IMAX content. |
The content-owner has placed a booking in the urgency preferences for that content owner. A Gofilex order manager will need to accept the order. |
The assets withing the order have been cleaned. |
KDM order for a masterer type equipment. To be able to generate and send the (D)KDM, you will need to contact a Gofilex key administrator to review the request and to accept it. |
This order was made by a chain order manager. |
A comment has been added to the order. |
Key order. |
Key generated via KeyGen. |