Select "Expected" instead of "Draft" when you want to place orders in advance, while waiting for confirmation from your booking agency.
When bookings are confirmed on your side, go to the "Orders" tab, highlight your expected bookings and click the "Place" button.
If you wish to cancel the expected bookings, highlight your expected bookings and click "Cancel"
Select "Draft" if you want to place a booking normally.
Remember to double check your bookings and submit them in the "Orders" tab (as showed in the video above).
Release after
Option to set-up a date and time, when the movie will be visible to the cinema. (not mandatory to add this when placing an order)
For example, if you have a release after date/time placed in an order, the Portal will trigger the download, but will wait the given date and time to make the content visible to the cinema.
Transfer after
Option is to set-up a date and time, when a download job will start. (not mandatory to add this when placing an order)
For example, if you have a transfer after date/time placed in an order, the Portal will wait the given date and time to start the download job.
Due date
Option is to inform Gofilex when the cinema needs the content latest (mandatory and preferably a transfer window of 48h). To have a better overview among other deliveries.
Purschase order
You can add invoice ID, booking ID, purschase order ID etc. to the order. The ID added will be shown in the invoice your will receive. (not mandatory to add this when placing an order)
Email address
You can add here email addresses that you would them to receive the completed delivery email notification. Cinemas and content-owners will automatically receive a mail.
Email additional text
You can add additional text for this delivery. The notification email contains information contains DCP information, Title name and content-owner name.