Symbol | Meaning |
The content is encrypted and the Portal can't make KDMs. (DKDM not ingested or not received). | |
The content is encrypted. The Portal is able to create KDMs. | |
The content is encrypted and the Portal is able to create KDMs. | |
The Portal is able to create KDMs. | |
The asset is a 3D version. |
Symbol | Meaning |
Daemons on the filmvault are online. | |
A daemon/daemons on the filmvault are offline. |
Symbol | Meaning |
The KDM created for the cinema is available. | |
The KDM created for the cinema is available, but will expire soon. | |
The KDM created for the cinema is expired and the cinema need to contact the content-owner for a new KDM. |
Symbol | Meaning |
A tracking number has been added to a physical order. | |
The version that was ordered is missing content. | |
The order contains 3D content. | |
The order contains Dolby Atmos content. | |
The order contains Dolby Vision content. | |
The order contains an IMAX content. | |
The order is ready to be invoiced. | |
The transfer has been set as Unmanaged. The cinema is able to download the content via the Gofilex Cinema Tool/Download link. | |
Unmanaged order via Cinema Tool. | |
The assets withing the order have been cleaned. | |
Unmanaged order via Download link sent to the cinema by email. | |
Key order. |